We organize individual coaching sessions. We are familiar with coaching and know that it is one of the most effective methods to support both professional and personal development and the achievement of goals.

Adam Walerjańczyk, Vice-President of the Management Board, Program Director of SET Group

Why coaching at SET Group?

A SET Group coach accompanies their client in executing their objectives. A coach does not tell what to do, but asks questions, shares observations, suggests the tasks that may bring the Client closer to achieving its goals.

The foundations of our work in the coaching relationship include:

Coaching Competence Model

We work on the basis of a unique composition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and work contexts, which strongly distinguishes us in the market.


We know business, our coaches have a variety of professional experience. They also teach coaching at SET Academy Schools.

ICF Code of Ethics

We promote ethical coaching, in line with guidelines of the International Coach Federation – the world’s largest coaching organization.


Our coaches are certified graduates of reputable coaching schools, conversation partners and competent professionals.

What problems are we solving?

We start where traditional training solutions end, always moving towards the contracted goals.

EXECUTIVE coaching.

We help senior managers plan, evaluate and implement activities and work through difficult situations that require a fresh perspective.


We help managers and employees achieve their business goals. We work to improve performance, develop contracted competencies and support a change in beliefs and attitudes.

CAREER coaching.

We go through the difficult stage of professional change together with our clients. We look for strengths and provide opportunities to look at areas for development.